Greetings CGS Members and our Community!
I’d like to welcome current members as well as introduce our organization to future colleagues in the Seattle-area and Eastside communities in which we all work, and especially as we emerge from the pandemic. Those who are part of this city’s hospitality industry have and will play a vital role in its future success.
Monthly CGS meetings (the 3rd Tuesday of the month!) are more than a time to socialize. These group interactions are great for networking and putting faces to names. They are also for us to grow personally and professionally. To encourage this growth, guest speakers will be featured throughout the year from the local community. Member properties are encouraged to host meetings and are spotlighted to better understand how we are connected as well as gain insight and knowledge into the variances of each buildings procedures. This is your CGS and together with the community you make a difference.
Our website is designed so that members have the ability to access concierge resources. We can stop being islands of customer service and become a more unified group that has a positive, driving, citywide influence. Pooling our information and sharing resources will greatly enhance our professional image within the community as we become more exceptional at our craft.
As CGS members, we also dedicate our time by helping others through what we consider “Near & Dear” and working in our community to bring people together in friendship through service.
In closing, I continue to welcome the challenges we may face and look forward to bringing my energy and dedication to a group of professionals who represent the best this city has to offer. My goal has been and will continue to be a unification of our community of hospitality professionals into a cohesive group that is focused and prepared to lead our city forward. Together we are the keys for change.
Moving forward together through Service,
Rudd Schupp