(Revised 1-16-2020)
Article I-Name
The name of this non-profit corporation shall be the Concierge Guild of Seattle (CGS).
Article II-Purpose
Section 1
The Concierge Guild of Seattle (CGS) is an association of concierges/hospitality professionals representing the greater Seattle area. Through networking, we share information, knowledge and experiences that enable us to better serve our clients and our community as ambassadors to our city. It is our commitment to professionalism, ethics and excellence, which gives honor and credibility to our profession.
The purpose of CGS shall be:
Promote friendship and solidarity between residential, retail/corporate properties and hospitality industry members in the greater Seattle area through social interaction, events, networking, sharing and finding solutions to common concerns.
Promote, foster and enhance a level of competence, professional development and improve skills among members of the CGS by holding regularly scheduled meetings and circulating information and materials of educational and professional value.
Nurture a strong and respected relationship with Seattle businesses and cultural organizations of value to our members, residents, tenants, guests, and clients.
Take an active role and be a supportive voice in our community and the greater Seattle area hospitality industry.
Promote the visibility, interests and welfare of our properties/businesses in order to develop the best services for our interests.
Section 2
The CGS shall not discriminate according to sex, race, national origin, religious, political, union affiliation, or any other state or federally protected category.
Article III-Membership
Section 1
· Membership is for 12 months (January to December) and renews in January
· New Members must attend a monthly meeting and pay dues to be active members.
· Attendance in (3) meetings/trade show during the year is a requirement to be a Member in Good Standing.
Section 2
Concierge Membership: An individual who is employed as a concierge by a residential, retail or business community. A Concierge Membership in Good Standing may vote and is non-transferable among properties however is transferable within the property.
Section 3
Application Process for Concierge Members: Applications forms are available on the CGS website ( They must be completed and will be sent/emailed to the Vice President who will present to the other CGS officers for approval. Acceptance into the CGS will require a majority vote of the Officers, attendance at one monthly meeting and completion of the review process including payment of dues.
Section 4
Ambassador Membership: An individual who makes noteworthy personal and professional achievements in the field of hospitality and whose membership will be of mutual benefit to the CGS shall qualify and be considered for Ambassador Membership. They will have served or are serving in one of the following categories: concierge, concierge liaison, hotel concierge, hospitality or business leaders, and retired concierge. Ambassador Members in Good Standing may vote, serve on a committee, actively participate, contribute to the CGS’s purpose and serve in the community. Ambassador members shall pay dues and their membership is non-transferable.
Section 5
Application Process for Ambassador Membership Applications forms are available on the CGS website ( They must be completed and will be sent/emailed to the Vice President who will present to the other CGS officers. Acceptance into the CGS will require a majority vote of the Officers, attendance at one monthly meeting and completion of the review process including payment of dues. Ambassador Memberships are subject to an annual review by the Officers and membership in CGS may be revoked if there has been no communication, contact or attendance at any CGS events.
Section 6
Ex-Officio Membership:
“Someone that holds an office or title by virtue of another role or position he/she has, or has had within an organization” [Oxford American Dictionary].
CGS Officers nominate and vote to determine who may hold an Ex-Officio Membership. Ex-Officio members may attend all meeting and events and must follow all rules, regulations and guidelines set forth by CGS. Ex-Officio members may offer advice and guidance, mentor fellow members, participate in discussions, suggest items to be considered by the Officers, vote and serve as Officers. Ex-Officio members shall pay dues. Ex-Officio membership may continue in perpetuity, until resignation or if the circumstances of participation are untenable.
Section 7
Application Process for Ex-Officio Membership CGS Board members nominate and vote to determine who is an Ex-Officio member. In addition to this, members may make recommendations for Ex Officio memberships to the Officers for consideration.
Section 8
Termination of Membership: Membership in the Guild may be terminated by a unanimous vote of the Officers due to nonpayment of dues, no longer meeting the membership requirements, not adhering to the CGS Protocols, Requirements & Guidelines or not attending the minimum of three (3) meetings per year.
Section 9
Unemployed Grace Period Members of CGS who are no longer employed as a concierge at any property will revert to an Ambassador Membership and be given a 90-day grace period to continue attending CGS functions while actively seeking new employment as a concierge. If, after 90 days, the member has not been re-hired as a concierge, their membership in CGS will remain an Ambassador Member for the rest of the calendar year pending payment of dues. If re-employed as a concierge, their status will then change from Ambassador Member to Concierge Member. Inactive members are welcome to re-join/reapply when they are ready to participate once more.
Article IV-Officers
Section 1-Composition & Terms
The governing body responsible for CGS shall be vested in the Officers (which will have 5 or more members) and shall include President, Vice President, Community Relations, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each Officer shall have one vote on the Board. The number of Officers to be elected or nominated can be adjusted with a unanimous decision of the current Officers and ratified by a simple majority of the Membership in Good Standing. The Officers shall be elected every two years for a term of two years. Officers will not hold more than two consecutive two-year terms as an Officer in the same position. If for any reason, no qualified member in Good Standing is available or able to serve as an Officer in a particular position, the current Officer may continue to serve in their position for a(n) additional term(s) with a unanimous decision of the current Officers and ratified by a simple majority vote of the Membership in Good Standing. Officers serve in a volunteer capacity.
Section 2
Vacancies: A Concierge Member in Good Standing may be appointed by the current officers to fill vacancies. Those so appointed will serve to the end of the current term.
Article V-Elections
Section 1
Nominations: Nominations for officer elections will take place by the November meeting prior to the term expiration of the officers by members attending that meeting or by proxy. The nomination must have the consent of the nominee. All nominees must be members in Good Standing.
Section 2
Election Procedures: A simple majority vote of the members in Good Standing shall decide/confirm the election of the Officers. Voting shall be done by email proxy. Ratifications of new officers will take place at the January monthly meeting and the new Officers will assume their positions immediately following that meeting.
Section 3
Changes in the By-Laws: The By-Laws may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the membership in Good Standing. They may be proposed by a simple majority of the Officers at a monthly meeting or via email. Member discussion will take place at the next meeting and a vote may be taken both at the meeting and/or by proxy. If a quorum of the members in Good Standing is not available either in person, by proxy via email, the vote must be tabled until a quorum is achieved.
Article Vl-Endorsements
No member has the right to represent the CGS by offering an endorsement or imply that they speak for the group when offering an opinion or recommendation. An official endorsement by the CGS can, on rare occasions, be granted by a unanimous vote of the members. Any endorsement or recommendation by a member or the Guild should not show undue favoritism, bias, discrimination, compromise the ethics or integrity of the profession, and only offered in the best interests of our residents, tenants, and guests.
On all questions of Parliamentary procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail.
© Concierge Guild of Seattle 2024